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Kate Atkinson

Bon état - 2.90 € - 2.40 €
Retrait sur place : Lundi 23/09/2024 - 14h00
Livraison chez vous ( Colissimo ) : Mercredi 25/09/2024
En point relais : Mercredi 25/09/2024
In 1940, eighteen-year-old Juliet Armstrong is reluctantly recruited into the world of espionage. Sent to an obscure department of MIS tasked with monitoring the comings and goings of British Fascist sympathizers, she discovers the work to be by turns both tedious and terrifying. But after the war has ended, she presumes the events of those years have been relegated to the past for ever. Ten years later, now a producer at the BBC, Juliet is unexpectedly confronted by figures from her past. A different war is being fought now, on a different battleground, but Juliet finds herself once more under threat. A bill of reckoning is due, and she finally begins to realize that there is no action without consequence.

Genre Policier
Éditeur Black Swan
Format Poche
Dimensions 11*17.7*2.5 cm

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