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Stories We Could Tell
Tony Parsons

Bon état - 3.90 € - 3.12 €
Retrait sur place : Lundi 30/09/2024 - 14h00
Livraison chez vous ( Colissimo ) : Mercredi 02/10/2024
En point relais : Mercredi 02/10/2024
Sometimes you can grow up in just one night. On a hot summer night in 1977, London rages around three young men who are about to learn the true meaning of friendship. Hip young gunslinger Terry is basking in his scoop on rock star Dag Wood. But Dag bas set his sights on a photographer called Misty - Terry's girlfriend. Who gets the girl ? Ray is about to be sacked from his music paper for crimes against cool and the only thing that can save him is landing an exclusive interview with John Lennon. Can he find his hero in time ? And Leon seeks sanctuary in a disco called the Goldmine as he goes on the run from the meanest gang in town and meets the dancing queen of his dreams. But are her dreams the same ? Growing up is hard to do...

Genre Littérature
Éditeur HarperCollins publishers
Dimensions 11*18*2 cm

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