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Russell Banks

Bon état - 3.90 € - 3.40 €
Retrait sur place : Lundi 23/09/2024 - 14h00
Livraison chez vous ( Colissimo ) : Mercredi 25/09/2024
En point relais : Mercredi 25/09/2024
At the centre of Foregone is famed Canadian American leftist documentary filmmaker Leonard Fife, one of sixty thousand draft evaders and deserters who fled to Canada to avoid serving in Vietnam. Fife, now in his late seventies, is dying of cancer in Montreal and has agreed to a final interview in which he is determined to bare all his secrets at last, to demythologize his mythologized life. The interview is filmed by his acolyte and ex-star student, Malcolm MacLeod, in the presence of Fife's wife and alongside Malcolm's producer, cinematographer, and sound technician, all of whom have long admired Fife but who must now absorb the meaning of his astonishing, dark confession. Imaginatively structured around Fife's secret memories and alternating between the experiences of the characters who are filming his confession, the novel challenges our assumptions and understanding about a significant lost chapter in American history and the nature of memory itself. Russell Banks gives us a daring and resonant work about the scope of one man's mysterious life, revealed through the fragments of his recovered past.

Genre Littérature
Éditeur Crime & Mystery Club
Format Grand Format
Dimensions 13.3*21.1*2.3 cm

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