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Mystères - Tome 1986
Mystères - Tome 1986
2.00 €

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An Instance Of The Fingerpost
Iain Pears

Bon état - 2.90 € - 2.40 €
Retrait sur place : Lundi 23/09/2024 - 14h00
Livraison chez vous ( Colissimo ) : Mercredi 25/09/2024
En point relais : Mercredi 25/09/2024
Set in Oxford in the 1660s - a time and place of great intellectual, scientific, religions and political ferment - this remarkable novel centres around a young woman, Sarah Blundy, who stands accused of the murder of Robert Grove, a fellow of New College. Four witnesses describe the events surrounding his death: Marco da Cola, a Venetian Catholic intent on claiming credit for the invention of blood transfusion; Jack Prescott, the son of a supposed traitor to the Royalist cause, determined to vindicate his father; John Wallis, chief cryptographer to both Cromwell and Charles II, a mathematician, theologian and inveterate plotter; and Anthony Wood, the famous Oxford antiquary. Each one tells their version of what happened but only one reveals the extraordinary truth. Brilliantly written, utterly convincing, gripping from the first page to the last, An Instance of the Fingerpost is a magnificent tour de force.

Genre Policier
Éditeur Arrow Books
Format Poche
Dimensions 13*20*3.7 cm

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